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9 July, 2021

Meet The Founders Of Denjo Dogs – Kenzo

Kenzo is one of three founders of Denjo Dogs, he is also a mood manager and a professional snoozer. So what does a mood manager do? How can a typical work day look like for Kenzo? What’s his favourite products in the Denjo assortment? Get to know Kenzo in the interview below!

Hi Kenzo! Who are you? Please tell us about yourself.

Hi! I’m a happy and kind cavalier boy at the age of 7.  I live in Stockholm together with my family – mom, dad and my two younger siblings.

What’s your role in the Denjo Team?

I’m one of the three founders of Denjo Dogs. Actually the company is named after me – as a puppy my name was Minimax Degno. 

I’m also mood manager which means I spread love and joy at the office. I’m also a member of the Denjo Product Development Team, where I evaluate all our products. As a professional snoozer, I make sure all our dog beds have the best quality possible, so me and all dogs around the world can enjoy premium dog beds with the best comfort, for a long time.

How does a typical work day look like?

It is important to get enough of rest and sleep to be alert at work, so I often sleep in the mornings (in my Denjo bed ofc). Usually any of my family members wake me up when it’s time to start the day.

First up is breakfast, shortly after I take mom or dad with me for a long morning walk – here is where work day starts for real. On the morning walks I evaluate walking gear like collars, harnesses and leashes. When we meet dog friends on our walks, I spread the word about Denjo Dogs and I also do some trendspotting.

When the morning walk is done, work time continues. Me and mom enter the Denjo Office, where I often evaluate dog beds, new products like collars, toys and treats (that is my favourite part). As a mood manager I welcome guests to the Denjo Office with happy greetings, and in the winter you often find me laying on my colleagues feet (to keep them warm). It is very important to create a calm and stress free work place, which I do by snoozing in one of the many dog beds we have at the office (perks of working at a dog company 🐶💤). 

What are the best things you know? 

I love humans (especially girls 😌), I love to play the game “find it”, to snooze, and to visit grandma and grandpa at the country side, where I get to be off leash! 

Finally, name your top 3 products in the Denjo assortment! 

  1. Dog Bed Nest Classic 💤– I just love it.
  2. Soopa Dental Sticks Banan & Chia – it’s my favourite snack!
  3. Dog Toy Pluto Bone  – my best toy!

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Meet The Founders Of Denjo Dogs – Kenzo

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.