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9 February, 2018


Dog sleeping in dog bed

Dogs snooze a lot. In fact, they spend about 50% of a day sleeping and another 30% resting. Since sleep and rest is an essential part of dogs’ everyday routines a comfortable dog bed becomes a natural investment in your dog. Also, Denjo believe the dog bed shall be designed to fit into the home or office interior and be durable and user friendly for both our furry kids and dog parents.

Therefore, Denjo teamed up with the best dog bed specialists we could find – Cloud7. Cloud7 is a Berlin based company that have developed dog beds with handfilled mattresses using a mix of latex- and polyester flakes that won‘t loose shape and stability even after years. The high quality of the fabrics, chemically untreated and produced with fair trade principles, will not only offer the dog a highly comfortable place to rest but also a durable and timeless interior piece.

We hope you and your pooch will find a bed you both will enjoy for many years.


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Meet Petra Jungebluth – Founder Of Cloud7

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.